horatories of palermo


masterpieces of palermo baroque

Oratorio di Santa Cita

It is probably the most famous oratory in Palermo, thanks to the many baby angels created by the artist Serpotta. Built in the 17 century, the theme of this oratory is the role played by the Holy Mary in the fight between Christians and Muslims, as can be seen from a painting showing the famous battle of Lepanto (a sea battle in the 16 century between the Ottoman Empire and the European Christian reigns). All around there are carved on the walls scenes from the life of Jesus, ending with the main altar with a painting of the Holy Mary and two statues of Giuditta and Ester (two famous women from the old testament).

Via Valverde 3,  Palermo
April-October mon-fri 9-18, sat 9-15. November-march mon-sat 9-15.
Ticket 6€

Oratorio del Rosario di San Domenico

This oratory is located next to the big church of San Domenico close to the Vucciria market and is being built in the 16 century by the so called Compagnia della Madonna del Rosario, a private religious association. The oratory is dedicated to the Holy Mary and during the 17 century has been enriched with paintings from the Dutch artist Van Dyck. Next to the paintings we find the stucco statues from Giacomo Serpotta, made in the 18 century. Among the carvings we sea a representation of the fall of the devil from heaven and the personification of the virtues: Knowledge, justice, patience, humility, charity, purity, peace, luck, obedience and docility, all statues we can sea on the walls.

Via Bambinai 2, Palermo
mon-sat 9-18.
Ticket 6€

Oratorio di San Lorenzo

This oratory is located in the Kalsa district, next to the church of San Francesco. It's been built by the Compagnia di San Francesco between the 16 and 17 century and is dedicated to the saints Lorenzo and Francesco. The oratory used to host a painting by Caravaggio, showing the nativity of Jesus together with the two saints Lorenzo and Francesco, This painting has been stolen in 1969 and never found. It was considered the best Caravaggio painting in Sicily and has since then been replaced with a copy. in 1699 Giacomo Serpotta was asked to decorate the oratory with his stucco art and the result is considered maybe the best expression of Serpotta. On the higher part of the walls are carved the scenes of the life of the saints Lorenzo and Francesco, while all around we find the personification of the virtues: Humility, glory, hospitality, penitence, constancy, mercy, charity.

Via Immacolatella 1, Palermo
mon-sun 10-18.
Ticket 3€

Oratorio di Santa Caterina D'Alessandria

The oratory was built in 1589 by the Confraternita di Santa Caaterina D'Alessandria and includes beautiful stucco of Procopio Serpotta, son of the famous Giacomo Serpotta, who made the carvings between 1719 and 1725. As many other oratories, the stucco carvings are characterized by the many baby angels coming out from every corner and the personification of several virtues, like knowledge (personified by Santa Caterina herself) and science, charity, faith, hope and strength. On top of it we also find carvings representing astrology, physics, geography and theology.
The paintings represent scenes of the life of Santa Caterina.

Via Monteleone 50, Palermo
mon-sun 9.30-13-30 & 15-18.30 | Sat 9.30-18-30 | sun 9.30-13.30


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